Why Preaching is Risky Business!

Most seminary graduates want to become pastors and preach!  Whether it’s preaching to students or adults, they want the excitement of stepping into the pulpit and share the deep truths of God’s word.  Of course, we know that God uses preaching to lead and grow His people, but there is a great risk every time it happens.

You might think at this point I’m going to start talking about the huge responsibility to accurately interpret and divide God’s word.  Yes, that is an important issue, but there’s even a greater risk!  It’s narcissism!  That’s right, the risky part to preaching is when a preacher attaches their self-worth and self-promotion to the pulpit. 

We all know that the only promotion a preacher should engage in is promoting the Lord!  To preach the word of God is to promote the things of God!  But unfortunately preachers can fool themselves into thinking they are promoting God when in reality they are promoting themselves. It’s a very subtle temptation and deception, but very real in pulpits today. 

Therefore, any time a preacher steps into a pulpit, there is a risk.  Their pride must be kept in check. Otherwise, a preacher who speaks the truths of God can actually be in opposition to God.  All preachers must continually heed the warning in scripture…

James 4:6 - ...God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.

Solution: Every preacher should have periodic coaching to help keep their motives in check and stay humble in their calling.  This will not only lower the risk of pulpit narcissism, but also protect God’s church.

We are here to help!!  Please don’t hesitate to contact Revive Consulting to discuss how we can provide pastoral coaching for your lead pastor.


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